I believe in storytelling first

Latest News

Hello friends!

As someone once said, “winter is here.” And I’m knee-deep in it.

You may remember I was going to be appearing in Disney’s Frozen at the Olney Theatre Center in Maryland. We’ve been up and running since October and there’s still a month left to go! So if you’re looking for something to take the family too and you’re in the DC/Baltimore metro area, come check out the show. It’s a lot of fun. And i guarantee that every child in your life knows the words to “Let It Go.”

Link to tickets is here. Let me know if you can make it down.

In some writing news, my horror feature screenplay, SLUMBER , was named a selection to the first inaugural Sinister Film Festival in Mexico City. Very excited to have been included! Additionally, my pilot script, THE COMPOUND, was named a semi-finalist in the Filmmatic 2024 TV Pilot Awards and a Quarterfinalist in the 20204 Screencraft TV Pilot Competition. Very pleased with those result. If anyone is interested in reading either of those projects, please reach out and let me know!

The holidays are upon us and soon, a new year. Whew, it’s gone by fast. Hope that it’s been a good one for all and that it’s a happy holiday for all. I know that it can be hard sometimes, especially for those of us that have lost people around this time. Don’t be afraid to reach out when you need help or if you see someone who’s struggling a bit.

Believe me, it will be appreciated.

That’s it for now. Thanks for listening. Thanks for understanding (to quote my favorite band, The Hold Steady)

Stay safe and healthy!


PS:: My play, “Voyager One” was named one of the 10 best productions in New Jersey for 2019 by the Newark Star-Ledger and NJ.com. Here’s the link if you want to check it out! Very honored to be included in the list!


PSS: Check me out on NPX, (the New Play Exchange) here: NPX Jared Michael Delaney

PSSS: And give a listen to my podcast about Prince here: When Doves Podcast

JARED MICHAEL DELANEY is a screenwriter, playwright & actor based in Philadelphia. SAG-AFTRA, AEA; Dramatists’ Guild; New Play Exchange;